Incorporating all the ‘Asks’ - UDL content, expertise, in-person and virtual learning formats, multi-year focus, team pricing…check!

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Our members asked for UDL training; there is a real need for teachers to learn the UDL framework design and how to use it. When we plan for all learners to succeed, when we plan for access points for everyone, all students benefit. It’s an equity issue. We really want to incorporate the UDL tenets into this professional learning itself and have it taught by the person who wrote the book: Design & Deliver; Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning. We want to break down barriers to learning. The book, the series and the hybrid learning environment are a teacher’s guide to designing equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environments that meet the needs of diverse learners.


The 8th Cohort of New Principals Arrived!


Curriculum Leadership Academy