Meet Our Instructors and Presenters
CVEDC instructors are among Vermont’s top current educational leaders. We have expertise and experience to deliver high quality professional learning for you and your staff.
Our workshop and series presenters are national and statewide leaders with a track record for bringing high quality professional development. CVEDC always asks for feedback on future offerings. We link the Vermont Core Standards to all the work we do, and most CVEDC instructional staff include excellent new books or materials for all participants.
Interested in teaching a workshop or course for CVEDC? Let us know!
Jack Baldermann
Tina Boogren, PhD
Marina Brzostoski
Courtlandt Butts
Gwen Carmolli
George Couros
Christian Courtemanche
Mary DeSimone
Peter DeWitt
Ellen Dorsey
Douglas Fisher
Megan Grube
Thomas Guskey
Andrea Honigsfeld
Tony Hudson
Kayla Johnson
Andrew Jones
Dawan Julien
Linda Keating
Leidene King
Jim Knight
Kirsten Kollgaard
Lisa Lande
Rachel Luks Petraska
Dr. Sarah Lupo
Erin Maguire
Lynne Pekala Manley
Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D.
Leah Mermelstein
Jennifer Miller-Arsenault
Liz Mirra
Elizabeth Moore
Dr. Gholdy Muhammad
Jay Nichols
Loui Lord Neslon, PhD
Ismalis Nuñez
Annie O’Shaughnessy
Dr. Russell Quaglia
Tyler Ramey
Jackie Ramsay-Tolman
Meagan Roy
Christine Saxman
Christine Sealey
Adam Seipel
Kathy Swan
Kateri Thunder, Ph.D.
Patti Tomashot
Luis Versalles