Our Why
About Us
As Vermont’s largest educational service agency (ESA), our professional learning opportunities have been reaching educators throughout Vermont since 2006.
Professional Learning is a cornerstone of good schools. Honing the craft, paying attention to outcomes and evolving as changes in our world necessitate, are critical to being relevant. Our 17-district membership is the culmination of years of collaboration across districts. The critical work we tend to hold in common across our membership and the ability to bring in the strongest and most innovative presenters, and then tailor the sessions specifically for our needs, allows for large and small districts to benefit from the richness of our plan. We all know that collaboration makes us stronger. Indeed, the resulting series, workshops, courses and sessions that CVEDC brings here, are so personalized and relevant that our members stay engaged and make time to send teams. Our non-profit mission has been to improve schools through quality professional learning and we have done just that.
Not only are national presenters part of our line-up, but we feature local experts to maintain ongoing collaborative learning. We can then grow them as PD leaders and offer more opportunities to bring teachers together in learning.. Events are delivered through in-person, hybrid, and online learning environments.
Champlain Valley Educator Development Center (CVEDC) members are from Northwestern and Western Vermont (Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle and part of Washington Counties). CVEDC consists of 17 districts, and provides educational services to over 35,000 students, or almost 40% of the total PreK-12 student population of Vermont. Educators from around the state of Vermont come to our events and courses with very positive experiences.
Our Mission
CVEDC’s mission is school improvement through quality professional learning.
The goals of the organization are:
to research, identify and implement best practices that result in enhanced learning, development and student performance
to create a strong network of professionals who can work collaboratively across school districts to support young people and their families;
to build capacity of The Center by nurturing the growth and development of local practitioners who can provide high quality professional development for the region;
to provide leadership and support to school districts as they develop and sustain their own professional development systems;
to provide support and development for regional leaders, both administrators and teachers and build leadership capacity;
and to secure financial and human resources necessary to sustain and advance the mission of the Center.
Lauren Wooden, CVEDC Executive Director, Gwen Carmolli, CVEDC Board President, Jeanne Chicoine, CVEDC Assistant
“CVEDC continually gets input from across the region on what educators are looking for support in. Whether it is a national UDL expert, the important work of Courageous Conversations, or local experts who have important strategies to share, we work with our members to bring them in. Our goal is to create collaborative learning spaces both virtually and in-person that will enhance the work of our educators and leaders.”
— Lauren Wooden, Director