Presenter Bio
Courtlandt Butts
Equity Program Manager - Government & NGO
Courtlandt began his education in the Philadelphia public school system before moving to Orlando, Florida, where he completed his early schooling. He attended Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. He continued his education at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), earning a Master of Arts in Education, with an emphasis in Educational Technology and Media. During graduate school, he worked as Project Director for an international youth services program that led him to work abroad, primarily in Spain, Japan, and China. Courtlandt’s passion for teaching students, experiential education, and technology let to his significant leadership and involvement in broadcasting the first ever global webcast for the International Institute for Peace through Tourism held in Amman, Jordan. This global conference involved educators, dignitaries, and ministers of governments from more than 60 different countries.
Courtlandt’s commitment to educating children of all races and differing abilities led him to work at the Gretchen Everhart School for Exceptional Children where he learned American Sign Language and other unconventional forms of communication. He recognized the critical benefit of parent engagement and the necessity of community outreach programs in order to build healthy children and communities. His work included grant writing and building partnerships with the federally funded National Youth Sports Program, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and the City of Tallahassee. He also served as president of the Minority Graduate Student Association (MGSA) at UNI where he involved himself in community and family initiatives aimed at promoting student achievement through tutor programs and other community activities. Upon obtaining his master’s degree, he continued this work at UNI as faculty advisor for MGSA.
He went on to become an assistant professor in the Education Department at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, where early childhood and secondary programs placed special emphasis on urban education within a conceptual framework that promoted advocacy, culturally responsive pedagogy, professional teaching and dispositions. Prior to joining PEG in 2007, Courtlandt worked as a district administrator for Eden Prairie Schools in suburban Minneapolis, MN. He currently resides in Atlanta, GA.
What calls me to do this work?
As I sat at my desk in the Education Department of Spelman College, a “voice” spoke to me and said, “your work here is finished.” I was comfortable, well established, and really did not want to leave, but I felt that I was being called for something greater, something more urgent. As if by providence, the work has lead me on a profound journey of personal growth and self-examination that I now feel is my responsibility to share with our educators and community, ultimately to reach the full potential of our humanity.