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Leadership for Innovation, Deeper Learning and Student Engagement

  • CVEDC Classroom 150 Kennedy Drive South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map)

Leadership for Innovation, Deeper Learning and Student Engagement

Presenter:  Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D.

Audience:  Principals, Curriculum Directors, and other instructional leaders

 What do leaders at innovative schools do that is different from their counterparts in more traditional schools? Come to this active, hands-on workshop to find out!

Most deeper learning schools share an emphasis on applied creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving; high levels of student agency, control, ownership, voice, and choice; opportunities to engage in authentic, real-world work in local and global communities; and robust technology infusion. In this workshop we will learn from numerous innovative schools about what deeper learning leaders do, what support structures they put into place to support robust learning and teaching, and how they maintain the motivation and courage necessary for this complex work.

Participants will walk away with the following free resources (based on empirical research from 90+ school visits, not just anecdotes):

  • Key leadership behaviors,

  • Key organizational support structures,

  • Profile of a deeper learning leader,

  • Leadership for deeper learning self-assessment (team or individual),

  • Discussion questions for building-level leadership teams and teaching staff,

  • Instructional redesign tools to help get schools started, and

  • A variety of activities that they can use with educators and families back home.

    Date:   April 19, 2024

    Hours:    8:30 – 9 Registration & breakfast treats 9 -3:30 pm (includes lunch)

    Location: Change of Venue! CVEDC Classroom, So. Burlington

    Cost: CVEDC Members: $250 Non-Members:      $300

     Please bring a computing device, charging cord, and be prepared to be very actively engaged all day!

About our presenter: 
A Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver, Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts on P-12 school leadership, deeper learning, technology, and innovation. He is on a mission to make students’ day-to-day learning less boring and more meaningful and relevant. Scott is the Founding Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE), the only university center in the U.S. dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators, and is the co-creator of both the wildly popular video series, Did You Know? (Shift Happens), and the 4 Shifts Protocol for lesson and unit redesign.

                          Read more about Scott’s innovative work here.

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