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The UDL Approach: Workshop (Follow-Up Session)

  • Hotel Delta 1117 Williston Road South Burlington, VT, 05403 United States (map)

The UDL Approach: Design & Deliver Planning & Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning

A 2-year hybrid series  Facilitated by Loui Lord Nelson, PhD

Workshop Description

Target Audience: Teacher Teams and Building-Based Teams including special educators, paraprofessionals, coaches, etc.

This UDL series will span 2021-2023 and is an opportunity for educators to gain information about the UDL framework design and intent and create and implement a team plan for implementation.

In addition to 2 full day in-person sessions each year, there will be asynchronous, virtual sessions as well as 45-minute consults with each team mid-year. The design is to help teams gain a deeper understanding of the framework, including what it means to be an expert learner and what rigor looks like. Teams will have the opportunity to work where they are in the framework.

Book Study with Loui: Design & Deliver: Planning & Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning: Choose from one of three hour-long sessions in August, October and February.

Year 1 Focus:

  • Understanding and applying from the roots of UDL

  • Taking initial or continued steps with the three principles, and

  • The forces that support or inhibit UDL implementation

About the Series

Year 1: 20 hours Professional Learning. This is a 2-year series. Dates and pricing apply to year 1 only.


  • Sept. 24, 2021 (Time: 9am-3:30pm) Location: Delta Hotel, S. Burlington, VT

  • Nov-Jan: Four asynchronous hour-long sessions and 45-minute team meeting scheduled with Loui

  • May 10, 2022 (Time: 9am-3:30pm) Location: Delta Hotel, S. Burlington, VT 

  • Optional: Book Study. Choose from one of three hour-long sessions in October, Dec./Jan., and March


  • 5-person Team price is $3,000 

  • Individual price $700 (includes meals when in person and a copy of “Design & Deliver” and “A Tree for All: Your Coloring Book of UDL Principals & Practice” books.

Year 2 Dates TBD-similar framework. Theme: Using UDL to Reach All Learners. Book: “Culturally Responsive Design: The UDL Approach”
Year 2 Focus: Using UDL to Reach All Learners and teachers will see the framework as a tool to design culturally responsive environments and applying what we know about the brain to the design of your environments.

About Loui Lord Nelson, PhD

Loui is the Educational Consultant and owner of the UDL Approach, an international leader in universal design for learning (UDL) implementation. She is the author of three books and a card game about UDL and hosts the popular podcasts “UDL in 15 minutes” and “UDL Research in 15 minutes.”

May 5

Instructional Coaches Academy (Session 5)

May 12

Leading Vermont Schools: Understanding the Principalship Course (Session 9)