Newcomers to School in the U.S.
Supporting Multilingual Learners with Interrupted Schooling - a virtual 4-part mini-series
Presented by Kirsten Kollgaard and Mary DeSimone
Target Audience: All K-12 teachers, support staff, other educators and administrators supporting new multilingual learners who have had interrupted schooling.
April 2nd Session: What to do when new students arrive
Intake, Screening and Placement considerations and procedures that work
Clarifying Roles & Responsibilities of different educators in supporting Multilingual Learners
April 30th Session: How do we welcome new families?
Culturally competent practices for welcoming new families including using interpreting services
Considering elements of culture shock
Trauma informed practices & culturally appropriate behavior supports
May 7th Session: What language do we teach them?
Language Acquisition Basics - including stages of language acquisition and what they look like in the classroom
The difference between social and academic language development
Setting realistic expectations for language progress
Identifying language needs versus learning difficulties
June 4th Session: How do we include them in our classes?
Strategies for Supporting Newcomer SLIFE students in Content classes at Elementary and Secondary – Theory and specific strategies that work
Dates: April 2, April 30, May 7, June 4
Time: 2:30 pm to 4 pm
Modality: Virtual - Zoom
Cost: CVEDC Member: $200 Non-Member: $300
Learn more about our Presenters Mary DeSimone and Kirsten Kollgaard
Note: CVEDC Member districts receive a discount on registrations for their personnel. Visit to see if your district is a member.